Out-of-the-box, the Airush boards come already set in the Medium settings or “stock setting”. This is an average setting but there are many reasons why your Airush board, AFT, and Boots have multiple adjustments. Each person is slightly different than the other, so although your board comes standard at Medium or “stock setting” – you can change them according to your personal preference.
All Airush Boards come preset out of the box in the Medium setting.
What is Stance?
Stance is how you stand on your board, marking the width between your two straps or bindings. The right stance is crucial to your riding. Having the correct stance will improve your upwind ability, body positions and posture, and help you land that trick you have been trying.
Finding the right stance.
As an everyday rider finding your stance is quite easy. The best position is with your stance slightly wider than your shoulder width. This will give you the best combination of comfort and performance allowing you to be quite flexible and responsive while riding.
Some riders customize their stance and prefer to ride narrower or wider than recommended. For example, Freestyle and Wakestyle riders normally prefer a slightly wider stance than normal which lowers their center of gravity for manoeuvres and hard landings.
Bruna Kajiya uses the Medium stance on her Diamond 134.
Bas Koole uses the Large stance on the Apex Team 140 due to his height and body type.
This chart below shows the 2016 Airush Twintip stance widths in CM from insert to insert. Depending on which Airush board you have the stance varies. The freestyle and wakestyle performance boards have a wider stance as these type of riders normally prefer a wider than normal stance.
What is Duck?
Once you select your stance, it is time to pick the angle of your Straps or Bindings. This is referred to as “Duck”. As kiteboarders it is best to ride with some amount of Duck or angle to both of your straps/bindings. There is no correct positioning and really based on your personal preference and comfort. We recommend you try several settings prior to your session in order to find what works best for you.
Alex Pastor uses 24 degrees on the outside of the AP Boot and 11 on the inside.
Oswald Smith prefers 16 outside and 12 inside of the boot which is a bit less Duck than Alex Pastor.