North Kontact (2011)

Gear Specs

  • Jaar: 2011
  • Board Merk: North
  • Board Naam: Kontact
  • Board Type: Surf
  • Board Karakter: Wave
  • Aantal vinnen: 3
  • Maat vinnen:


175 x 43.5 , 183 x 44.5 , 190.5 x 45.5

Gear Rating

  • Pop
  • Upwind
  • Freestyle
  • Waves
  • Wakestyle
  • Kwaliteit
Gem Rating 0.0 0 Recensies

Gear Info

The Kontact is ideal for big, powerful waves or choppy water and high winds. A great weapon for advanced riders and riders who love precise control. The Kontact is ideal for strapped riding and surfers looking for maximum control at high speeds. Long and narrow, the rounded pin tail rides low and smooth through the water. The thin, knifey rail line offers plenty of grip to drive off the bottom with seemingly limitless hold to grind through high speed top turns. The Kontact is designed around the premiss that kiting allows you to ride with much more power than you ever would surfing and the Kontact is all about harnessing that energy and exploiting it. If you are looking to drive hard through high speed turns with tons of control at high winds and in big surf, the Kontact is the one and only!

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