Brunotti Cherry Blossom (2011)

Gear Specs

  • Jaar: 2011
  • Board Merk: Brunotti
  • Board Naam: Cherry Blossom
  • Board Type: Twintip
  • Board Karakter: Freeride / Allround
  • Aantal vinnen: 0
  • Maat vinnen:


125 x 36 , 125 x 38 , 130 x 36 , 130 x 38

Gear Rating

  • Pop
  • Upwind
  • Freestyle
  • Waves
  • Wakestyle
  • Kwaliteit
Gem Rating 0.0 0 Recensies

Gear Info

Cherry Blossom

Kiteboards are designed with a number of variables in mind: wind/water riding conditions, preferred style of riding, stance, and rider weight.

The Cherry Blossom is designed for women and their specific needs. Women typically have a narrower stance, prefer a more forgiving flex in the overall contour of the board, even the graphical designs are of a different preference.
Incorporating a moderate flex pattern in combination with a smooth rocker line and single concave, the board provides enhanced tracking, upwind, and top-line speed while at the same time being forgiving on the knees and legs. The narrower footstrap stance is ideal for women, providing more comfort on the legs during straight line riding, and the pads have been designed to tailor for smaller feet.

The Cherry Blossom is delivered with the Flexpad footpads, for maximum comfort, foot protection, and board control.

125 x 36cm
125 x 38cm
130 x 36cm
130 x 38cm

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Recensies voor Brunotti Cherry Blossom (2011)

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