Underground Stella (2012)

Gear Specs

  • Jaar: 2012
  • Board Merk: Underground
  • Board Naam: Stella
  • Board Type: Twintip
  • Board Karakter: Freeride / Allround
  • Aantal vinnen: 4
  • Maat vinnen: 4


138 x 44 , 144 x 46 , 150 x 49

Gear Rating

  • Pop
  • Upwind
  • Freestyle
  • Waves
  • Wakestyle
  • Kwaliteit
Gem Rating 0.0 0 Recensies

Gear Info

Another astonishing asymmetric
concept board that specialises in
amping speed over flat water and
sheer low-end grunt! the subtle
sidecut of the heelside edge flexes
intelligently, allowing you to focus on
the exhilaration of driving upwind. A
slightly shorter toeside edge allows
an easier switch to toeside riding and
effortless downwind performance on
either rail. Lock in, park your kite and
go to your happy places more often
on this ticket to ride...

Kitesessies Gedaan Met De Underground Stella (2012)

Recensies voor Underground Stella (2012)

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