Airush Sector (2012)

Gear Specs

  • Jaar: 2012
  • Board Merk: Airush
  • Board Naam: Sector
  • Board Type: Race
  • Board Karakter: Race
  • Aantal vinnen: 4
  • Maat vinnen:


173 x 60 , 173 x 52

Gear Rating

  • Pop
  • Upwind
  • Freestyle
  • Waves
  • Wakestyle
  • Kwaliteit
Gem Rating 0.0 0 Recensies

Gear Info

Airush introduced the Widebody concept to kiteboarding with the Sector 60, and the response from customers has been truly astounding.

The Sector 60 V2 continues that legacy and introduces a new level of upwind performance, comfort and ease of use. The improvements in performance are the result of refinements in rocker, outline and fin configuration.

The Sector 52 is based on the ideology of a high performance freerace directional, with high wind performance for heavier riders, or a dedicated light wind board for light weight riders.

For riders looking for unbeatable reaching speed in all wind conditions the Sector 52 truly excels. In addition the Sector 52 offers a more manoeuvrable option to its big brother the Sector 60.


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Recensies voor Airush Sector (2012)

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