The spot is located in the northwest of Madagascar at the Emerald Sea (Mer dEmeraude) which is bounded by a reef from the Indian Ocean. Separated from the Bay of Diego Suarez by the Babaomby peninsula, the emerald sea lagoon is an incredible playground for kitesurfing. With a length of 12km and a width of 3, the surface is great for freeriding. You can down wind the lagoon, passing near the villages of fishermen and also surf beautiful reef waves. Once on the lagoon, you find stingrays, turtles and the feeling of experiencing something unusual in one of the most beautiful place in Madagascar.
How the wind works:
There is a powerful trade wind (on-shore), blowing from 20 to 40 knots from the beginning of March until the end of October and almost 100% consistency of more than 20 knots from April to mid of October!
At the Emerald Sea there are few acomodition from tents to a luxus Lodge.
or do some 2-3 day Trips in the north of Madagascar