North Neo (2014)

Gear Specs

  • Jaar: 2014
  • Kite Merk: North
  • Kite Naam: Neo
  • Kite Type: Hybrid
  • Kite Karakter: Wave
  • Aantal struts: 3
  • Oppompen via 1 ventiel: Ja
  • Bridle (toming): Ja


4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12

Gear Rating

  • Windbereik
  • Bardruk
  • Boost
  • Hangtime
  • Bar Safety
  • Bouwkwaliteit
Gem Rating 0.0 0 Recensies

Gear Info

The Neo is the dedicated wave-freeride kite in the line up, aimed at the rider who values quality waves and needs a kite to perform. Airton Cozzolino chooses the Neo for his demanding style of competitive wave riding on the KSP World Tour. His influence was essential to improve the wave characteristic without loosing the good freeride abilities. This year the Neo comes with a floating strut and the structure of the kite is a little softer to enable the Neo to absorb gusts, giving a smoother power development and allowing the rider even more control on the wave. The struts have also been moved further towards the outside of the kite, this has shifted the centre of gravity allowing the kite to sit further back in the window. This enables the kite to drift down the line incredibly well, allowing you to park the kite and ride the wave without having to worry about it stalling. Additionally it is responsible for an easy and fast relaunch. The Neo is extremely responsive to rider input on the bar, making it easy to manoeuvre on the wave. The lightweight construction makes the kite very lively in the air, but also means there is even less chance of the kite dropping back in the window as you race down the line. 

If you like riding waves, but don´t want to miss comfort freeriding, the Neo is the kite for you.


Kitesessies Gedaan Met De North Neo (2014)

Recensies voor North Neo (2014)

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