An English kitesurfer recently had the opportunity to test the new 2009 North Pump. Yes you are right, the nice fancy white and green one.
Here is the review he posted on the Flexifoil forum.
After the near death my beloved old North pump, the old dependable grey one with a battered hose. I decided to let the new pimp ass North pump into my life, here is a review of its bad a$$...
The pump arrived at 10:30am and I decided to test it's techincal ability with a meaty server issue we had been running with for the last 2 weeks, the pump went into the server room and immediently resolved the issue. Lateral Thinking - 10/10
I tested the pump ability to simplify complex issues and pass on infomation to clients in an understable manner. Comunication skills - 10/10
Next we test the various attachments in various valves.. Interconnectablity 12/10
Next test is ability to hold down a lunch time pint.. Switched from blow to suck for this one - Drinking Part 1 10/10
Tested the ability to chair a executive business meeting - Corporate synegie 10/10
Tested is the ability to luv you long time.. Switch back from suck to blow! 10/10 5 dollars!
Next we tested the pumps ability to deliver a presentation on SAN infrastructure. Powerpoint and knowledge transfer skills 10/10
Into the evening we tested the pump further....
The next test was an beer and curry stress test.. Manly consumption 10/10
Then we test the pump ability to make the most miserable waiter in Bristol laugh... 0/10
It redeemed itself by chatting up the attractive bar maid instead.. Pulling ability 10/10
Then it went to pull four girls at once (ages to be confirmed... ) Pulling ability 20/10
It took to the dance floor and as you can from the shaft position got a bit excited by all the attention!
Overall this pump is a fast talking, solid working, hard partying, lady killing mo fo and I'm proud to have spent £24.99 on it and I have made a new friend
But how well does it inflate kites? F**K KNOWS!