Update only one spot online but allready working on the layout and how we can give more information to the people Check the spot again as we have added a lot more information to Cumbuco!
This is the start of the International Kitespots on Hanglos.net Today we added the first spot which is Cumbuco in Brazil.
You can find the kitespots section here: http://www.hanglos.net/kitespot/ If you click on a country on the right or in the map it will load the available kitespots.
Weather info We work together with www.windfinder.com to have accurate weather data for each spot.
Spot News The last 5 newsitems added on Hanglos.net with the Tag Cumbuco will be shown here.
Locals Cumbuco If you click on "make me a local" you will be able to see on the frontpage of Hanglos.net in the menu on the right called "My Spots" if you can kite in Cumbuco in the coming three days starting today. Grey means you cannot kite, Orange is just ok, Green is perfect and Red is for pro's only. We combine windspeed and direction from the windfinder data for this. Besides the frontpage you will be listed as local on the spot Cumbuco.
Wind Statistics We also have the windstatistics for a spot. Sometimes the data is not accurate due to Thermic wind which are not seen in weather models. If data is not accurate we will say so in the text.
Spot info In our wide Hanglos Administrator crew we have a load of kitespot knowledge. We all work hard to get all information gathered.
Rating Each logged in user can give a rating on a spot. Besides a remark you can rate the following on a scale from 1 to 10: General impression, Vibe, Reachabillity, Launchspot, Water conditions, Facilitities. The average rating is showed and everyone can see the individual ratings by clicking on read reviews
Map On the map you can see a where the spot is located on googlemaps. By clicking on the map you get a popup and you will also be able to see extra information about where not to kite and where you can park your car.
Gallery Photos added to the gallery with the Tag Cumbuco will be shown here.
Spots in Holland and France On www.hanglos.fr and www.hanglos.nl we allready use kitespots for quite some time so you will find plenty kitespots in Holland and France.