Wainman Hawaii Surf Addiction HD
Lots of kite surfing action from Maui Team performing on our new series of Surf Boards. See different aspects of the sport in the scenery of mystique waters of Maui.
Lou Wainman on the Surf 6.1
Watch a compilation of different conditions such as massive swell at Hookipa surfed on the side-off-shore day and the on-shore sessions in Waiehu ridden on the same Surf Boards.
Shawn Richman on the Surf 6.0
This gives some idea of the versatility of our new series, that can be well ridden either strapped or strapless.
Niccolo Porcella on the Surf 5.8
Now it is your turn to introduce the surfing style to your local spot and bring new dimensions to your kite life. Share the Surf addiction. Aloha
Watch the movie on: www.wainmanhawaii.com
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on vimeo later this week...