Baaltje 09 February / 2010 / 11:58

Maar eens testen... die verhaaltjes geloof ik allang niet meer...

MichaelBeens 09 February / 2010 / 12:21
whaha inderdaad !
ze nemen het verhaaltje gewoon van elkaar over

Nature 09 February / 2010 / 15:41
Fluid kiteboarding - High Service - High Quality - Kiteboarding gear.

Nature had een 5 sterren sessie in IJmuiden met maar liefst 25 - 39 knots op zijn Fluid Vice (2010)

Duinkiter_Gilles 09 February / 2010 / 15:50
vet ding

dr511 09 February / 2010 / 16:04
normaal is het niet zo goed als je zekering springt
Ziki Ondergoed, schultenbrau

Marc_87 09 February / 2010 / 16:23
Ik vind het wel een mooie kite hoor, hopelijk aanwezig bij Sticked.
Wil deze graag een keer proberen.
Powered by Flysurfer

--Remco-- 09 February / 2010 / 17:48
K vind de kite er wel vetjes uit zien
'Ride it Hard'

--Remco-- had een 1 sterren sessie in Lemmer met maar liefst 6 - 10 knots op zijn SlingShot TurboDiesel (2006)

Mark1970 09 February / 2010 / 21:18
WOW...complete de-power!

Dat zoek ik al tijden...
Riding the waves!!

JaapS 09 February / 2010 / 22:18
Als je voor dit type kite gaat kan je beter gelijk gaan voor een Ocean Rodeo Rise . Heb je gelijk een oersterke kite en waarschijnlijk ook een stukje goedkoper

Bossy 09 February / 2010 / 23:49
Heb hem al een paar weken laatste week op Bonaire gevaren wat een heerlijke kite:)

12 meter en skyhigh!
Damn this feels goooood :P

Bossy 09 February / 2010 / 23:54
Test North Fuse 12m 2010
Monday the 1th of February It was a great day to test the fuse and what a day it promised out to be. On my vacation on the always windy Bonaire I drove to my favorite spot with my new Kite to give it a go.

North did not really change anything despite of the color. The Fuse 2010 backpack is light Brown/ White like the rebel and the Vegas this year. The backpack is the same size as last years and your kite fits in properly. (in my case a 12M)

I tested the Kite with the 2008 4 line-bar from North.
I think it doesn’t need any further clarification.
The kite seems to do well on the 2008 bar..

The Kite:
As we all know the Fuse is the new Rhino for 2010 and designed to go Big! And it does! If u edge and u steer the kite back it rockets up. But never gives u the idea that u are not in control.
We are talking about an 4 line SLE Kite. The kite comes with bridles but they are designed in a way that it is perfect to handle. The depower is close to 100% and when riding u feel like a pro :P

The quality of the kite is as we are used to from North of high standard

February 2nd 2010 Location: Bonaire (Pink Beach) Wind 20 to 25+ knots

I did not change anything on the standard set up of the Fuse
The kite has bungy cord attached to the steering lines and helps u relaunch the kite easily when in the water.
The kite is one pump. The overall shape is a little bit different to the Rhino of 2009. The kite seems to have bends at the corners of the kite. More like the Evo. The kite is very fast to steer and easy on the bar.

On the water
What strikes to mind the moment u feel the kite is the ease of use and the well known reliable feeling this kite gives u. Even if you drop in the water you can exactly feel where the kite is above u. On the water the kite builds up good tension to jump high.

On the Bar
The kite has light to normal bar pressure and feels great.
It’s not that light that u don’t feel it but I would say it is just right.
It reacts great to impulses of the bar.

The Fuse is easy to restart after a crash. Just pull the steering line and u are on your way.

Low/ High end:
I was not able to test the low end of the kite yet. But with my 100 kilos and the kite being 12m's i kept it easily up to 25 knots, without any strange things happening in the kite. I did not feel overpowered in any way.

Great kite which does exactly what you expect from it. And goes BIG!
Good Quality
Direct/ Quick steering
Big Air!

The only thing I can think of is u not liking one pump or a 4 line kite
Damn this feels goooood :P

Bossy 09 February / 2010 / 23:55
heb hem in oranje is echt een heerlijke kite uithaakbaar en loopen als een malle:P
Damn this feels goooood :P

JoriZ 10 February / 2010 / 11:03

The quality of the kite is as we are used to from North of high standard

Je kan het allemaal mooi vertellen, maar ik door de jaren heen de north kites bij bosjes zien sneuvelen.. dus dit is niet helemaal waar...
Ride it like you stole it...