kovdj 05 July / 2011 / 22:04
De donderdag wordt de eerste competitiedag gevaren, maar nu al is er een eerste uitvaller te betreuren. Johnno is na een sprong met zijn hand verstrikt geraakt in zijn leash met als gevolg: hand in een spalk en 9 hechtingen Beterschap kerel!

kovdj 06 July / 2011 / 07:44
Hier nog een linkje met wat beelden van de tourstop in Sylt

sennesmid 06 July / 2011 / 22:56
aaah nou beterschap johnno en de rest Good luck

kovdj 07 July / 2011 / 12:53
introductie op het event

kovdj 07 July / 2011 / 13:06
Results Race 1: 1st Kerneur, 2nd Dansin, 3rd Beverino
Results Race 2: Kerneur-Nocher-Beverino
Results Race 1 and 2 Women: Roose-Brunacci-Gil

kovdj 07 July / 2011 / 22:08
dag 1

kovdj 07 July / 2011 / 22:10
morgen is de windverwachting goed en start de freestyle

kovdj 08 July / 2011 / 07:18
Race 3 Men: 1. Kerneur, 2. Nocher, 3. v.d. Vlucht, 4. Dansin
Race 4 Women: 1. Roose

kovdj 08 July / 2011 / 14:23
Results Race 4: Kerneur, Sroka, Nocher

kovdj 08 July / 2011 / 14:51
Results Race 5: Nocher, Dansin, Kerneur
Results Race 6: Sroka, Nocher, Dansin
Roose wins Women's

Katja blijft maar winnen, zouden er ook andere dames meedoen?

kovdj 08 July / 2011 / 17:57
Garofalo and Pereira proceed into next round
Martinelli and Issel proceed
Van de Kop and Esposito proceed into next round

kovdj 08 July / 2011 / 18:07
dag 2
It was a hot day at the beach of Lamezia. The racers started with three races into the day resulting in three different winners from France. In the first race, Julien Kerneur took the win followed by Sroka and Nocher. Third placed Nocher was the fastest in the second race of today beating Dansin and Kerneur in second and thrid place. In the last race (number six overall), Sroka took his first win in Italy with Dansin and Nocher following as second and third while Kerneur did not compete.

At 3pm, also the freestylers started into the day with wind at around 15knots. The crowd at the beach was cheering for the riders pushing them into great action at almost minimum speed. The two UK rider Luke Whiteside and Ned Taylor made it into next round as well as Garofalo, Pereira, Van de Kop and Esposito. When also the women were about to start, the wind dropped and even for the racers, the wind speed at around 7 knots was not enough to compete.

Tonight, we will have live music at the beach and a DJ set to entertain the crowd! For tomorrow, skippers meeting is at 10am with hopefully more wind than today.

kovdj 09 July / 2011 / 08:29
hopelijk vandaag voldoende wind om de freestylers te laten knallen. Wat doe je als het even niet waait? Dan zet je de freestyle dames op een rijtje:

Huiskamervraag: zet de correspenderende namen van deze dames op een rij en win een voetreis naar het zonnige....

kovdj 09 July / 2011 / 11:16

kovdj 09 July / 2011 / 11:20
gooi em ff sticky jongens......