Omdat het wel eens een beetje intimiderend/omslachtig/duur kan zijn voor mensen die vanaf Fortaleza naar Jericoacoara willen komen is er een nieuwe Facebook Groep opgezet. Een soort van carpool idee voor mensen die de kosten willen drukken of het gewoon gezelliger vinden om de trip naar Jeri te maken. De FB groep is nog redelijk nieuw maar die neemt snel grotere vormen aan.
This is a open group for anyone who need or can offer transport between Jeri and Fortaleza. There is another group called Car Sharing Jeri but that is a closed group. But we keep it open for anyone who travel to and fromJeri for the first time or regulary.
The Bus ride to and from Jeri is a 7 hour long ride and you never know when the bus is gonna show up. And after a 9 hour flight from Europe no one is eager to waste anymore time. (The price in the VIP bus would be 50-60 real)
The normal price for the 4 hour travling with a 4 wheeler Toyota Hilux this distance is 400 real (100 each if you are 4 people), than you go all the way to Jeri and don't need to change transfer when arriving in Jijoca.
Another possibilty is to travel with a regular Taxi to the bus station in Jijoca (make sure that the taxi have aircondition), at the airport the price should be 300 or 350 real for this distance, (the offical price is 500), and than you will easily find transportation from Jijoca to Jeri.. (it is recommended to use a Chevrolet the price would be 70 real for this distance.
This group is totally free, and is not supported by anyone.
If you need transport do the following.
1. See if anyone need transport the same day and time as you
2. If not make a request for somone to share transport with, add the following:
a: What date
b: What time
c: How many people are you
d: If you arrive by plane, what flight do you arrive with
e: If you are in Jeri, what pousada do you stay in
f: Contactinformation, Name,Phoneumber, Email, skypename
3. If you arrange transport with people you don't know and trust you may want to be sure they show up before you order transport in advance, than agree a meeting point and arrange the transportation after you have met.
maar in camocim is wel een klein vliegveld zou een binnenlandse vlucht kunnen doen?
je moet wel een behoorlijk eind om rijden om van Jericoacoara naar camocim te komen