Ook Cabrinha heeft onlangs het nieuwe materiaal gepresenteerd. Zo komt Cabrinha met de Siren Series voor vrouwen (met medewerking van Susi Mai, zie verderop) en een compleet nieuwe freestyle kite, de Chaos. De QuickLink bar, kites en twintips zijn weer verder doorontwikkeld en er is nu ook een bredere range aan waveboards beschikbaar. Dus voor ieder wat wils zou je zeggen. Hieronder wat videomateriaal en uitleg over de 2013 collectie.
Wat Pete Cabrinha er zelf over te zeggen heeft:
2013 Ideas & Innovations
Sometimes the littlest ideas can manifest into the biggest innovations. At Cabrinha we are all about little ideas and big innovations. Our product range has evolved year after year into a model of minimalist design. The innovations are so cleverly concealed inside ergonomic forms that you’d have to look closely to identify the numerous features that are seamlessly baked in.
Take our 2013 QuickLink Control system for example. We have taken the industry’s leading control system and improved it yet again. We’ve done this without adding anything to the exterior. In fact we have even taken something away. The connection of the QuickLink is now much easier to reconnect thanks to a simple little innovation literally etched into the system.
We carry that minimalist philosophy right through our kite design process to deliver a Skeletal Frame construction that strategically places different weight materials into their optimum locations. This delivers a balanced, light weight and highly durable kite.
The Skeletal Frame technology is used in all of our kites including the all-new Chaos competition freestyle kite. The Chaos is a bridled C Kite designed for the core freestyle competitor with the sole intent of getting themselves on the podium.
Our entire range of twin tips has seen an ‘across the board’ upgrade in shapes and construction. We’ve built upon our foundation of solid rides and have added durable bases and rails to the mix.
The Surf range has been widened to provide more freedom of choice. Each and every surfboard design now comes in either our super durable Eco Cork + Bamboo sandwich construction or our light weight Signature series which is a pro level PU construction without footstraps.
At Cabrinha we strive to put the absolute best products in the hands of the rider no matter what their level is. From the touring pro to the first time rider, each Cabrinha customer gets our commitment that the product they are riding is made from the highest quality materials and construction techniques in the industry.
We are purveyors of innovation and inspiration. Our products are designed to deliver an experience as much as they are designed for a specific use.
Thanks for being part of the Cabrinha family. We'll see you on the water.
Pete Cabrinha
Kite Technology 2013
Siren Collection
Inspired by Susi Mai. The Siren Series is the sweet option designed specifically for women.
The Chaos is Cabrinha's all new competition freestyle kite. It won't mow your lawn or leave you dangling. But if you are looking to get on the podium then this is your kite.
Ik heb voor de Access afgelopen week de Siren mogen testen. Naast dat ie gewoon mooi is (met mintgroene bar en een chickenloop met zebraprint) vaart hij ook heel stabiel. Ik moest wel wennen aan de wat trage besturing vergeleken met mijn eigen kites. Volledige review kun je vinden in de volgende Access!