wazzaah 18 March / 2013 / 15:54
Video Dubbels:

Zon 24 maart:

The end of the event was marked with the closing ceremony and the distribution of the trophies and prize money. The Wali of Dakhla and his colleagues came to see the closing ceremony and showed their support for the riders and the sport. With six days of wind and waves, 25c degrees, sun, 75 riders from over 21 countries coming to Dakhla, Morocco and finishing a full freestyle event and wave event. We can say that this event was a great success. Alex pastor and Karolina Winkowska won the first freestyle event of the year and Jalou and Kevin Langeree won the first wave event.

“It is great to win the first event of the year and really motivates me for the rest of the season”-Alex Pastor

The organizers, locals, press, Dakhla Attitude and sponsors really made this event one to remember. They provided great hospitality and welcomed everyone to their home spot. The closing ceremony was done at Dakhla Attitude with all the riders and officials.

The skill level of the riders really improved over the winter. It was very obvious from the first heats that everyone had been training. The girls have increased their repertoire of tricks and are much more consistent. The newcomers Van Westerop and Paula Novotna really improved and could over the season start to compete for a spot on the podium. The top women are Karolina, Gisela and Bruna just keep pushing the sport with bigger moves and more power. They are all three battling for another world title having each already won one.

“Really happy to win the first event, I was not sure what to expect from the other girls. I knew that everyone trained over the winter and hoped I was up to the level”-K

“I am happy with the good start of the season, yeah happy like a hippo”-Marc Jacobs

The men’s division is still dominated by Youri and Pastor but Marc Jacobs showed that he can also get to the podium. The young riders like Jaspan, Whaley, Blanc, Hutter and many more are the next generation of champions. They clearly showed that by the end of the season some of them will be in the top 10 if not top 5.

“Ranking wise I am not too happy, but I am happy with my gear and the high scores of tricks and heats”-Youri Zoon

We would like to thank all the riders for coming and competing in the freestyle and wave event. This event that features freestyle and waves is a great way to showcase kitesurfing to the world and Morocco is a great place to do it. Also thank you to our event sponsors for making this possible and being great hosts.

Zat 23 maart:

With a perfect forecast for saturday we decide to finish the double elimination. The wind was slow building and we had to wait late in the afternoon to get the competition going. When we got underway the winds were around 15-20 knots, slightly gusty but still very good. Youri Zoon from the beginning made a good run for the podium but was stopped by Marc Jacobs, and then Alex Pastor defended his singles title to win the first title of the year. On the women’s side Paulo Novotna defeated Van Westerop and Jungo to make a run at the podium but Kajiya, stopped her run. Gisela maintained her second spot and won one final, but Karolina was to strong and won her fourth consecutive event.

Youri had a 38.78 heat total and a 317 that scored an 8.67 out of 10, Karolina had a 6.97 and the highest heat total of the event from the girls.

The day started with men’s third round of the double elimantion. Whaley came out on fire and landed a big back mobe and other powered moves to get the win over Hutter who landed some stylish tricks but lacked consistency. The Langeree vs Da Silva has some controversy when the judges missed a critical trick of Eudazio and the head judge decided to ru-run the heat to give both riders the chance to win with a full trick count and Da Silva took the win. The next heat Rodwald was going big against Corniel and won. The final heat of the round Youri came out and dominated landing a blind judge five and 317.

The Next round Liam was very consistent in the gusty winds and took down the Brazilian Da silva. Youri Zoon kept his run going by taking down Mario. The next round Youri beat Liam with a big blind judge 5 that scored a 7.93 and a 7.50 KGB. Then Jaspan had to defend his spot against the world champion, Jaspan had a very good Slim chance and scored consistently in the lower 6 range but could not match Youri’s front mobe and blind judge 5 again. By this time Youri had done four heats and had to face Romeu who has been kiting very well this event. Youri landed a massive 317 with an 8.33 and three other scores in the mid 7’s to defeat Reno whose best move was an S-bend 3 with 7.07

The next heat was between Marc Jacobs from New Zealand and Zoon. Zoon was starting to fatigue and Marc was right on with a KGB(7.57), a front blind mobe(8.17) and an S3(7.47). Youri landed a 317 that scored an 8.4 and then lost in a heat total of 36.26 to 36.34. It was a very close heat, Youri had a run and made it back to podium. The final heat of the day was between Jacobs and Pastor who was defending his victory in the single elimination. Pastor was on right from the start and dominated the whole heat with 5 scores about 7 and a total of 37.44.

The women’s double started with a Switala vs Van Westerop heat where the Aruban showed more technical passes and advanced to the next round. Then Novotna defeated Bonzom with some powerful handle passes. The match up of Van Westerop and Novotna was a contrast of style. Novotna was going for explosive handle passes while Van Westerop was going for a more fluid execution. Novotna got the win then faced Bruna Kajiya. Bruna got a 6.77 for a KGB and 6.03 for a slim chance and victory to go against Pulido. Pulido was right on from the start sticking three big moves a slim, an S3 and front blind (6.77). Kajiya had some strong moves and a big S3 but it was not enough to move on.

In the first final between Winkowska and Pulido both girls were kiting extremely well going for very powerful tricks. Gisela landed a loop 3, a 313 and blind judge, Karolina was getting her tricks in, but her execution was not on. After Gisela won the first final another heat had to run. The second final Karolina was back to her form, landing many great tricks: BJ3 6.17, Slim 6.57 and a KGB of 6.97. Gisela had a good 315 for 6.37 and Slim 6.47, but it was not enough. Karolina won her fourth consecutive event.

Vr 22 maart:

Jalou and Kevin Langeree win the PKRA Dakhla wave Competition

Today marked the return of wave competitions to the PKRA. The competition was held in Dakhla, Morocco on the right-hand bread next to town. The swell started in the morning at around 1 meter with winds around 15 knots and by the end of the day we had 5 meter sets and 20 knots of wind; we could not have asked for better conditions. The competition featured many international and local riders. In the end it was the Dutch brother sister combo of Jalou and Kevin Langeree who won the PKRA Dakhla wave event. The Best wave scores were by Figueiredo 9.00 and J.Langeree 7.73, and the highest heat totals were Henrique with a 15.87 and Jalou with 13.73.

Today started early with the shuttle ready to pick up all the riders and crew at 8 AM at Dakhla Attitude to be ready for at 10 o’clock start. The forecast was for building swell and strong wind. We knew that we would run the event at low tide with a rising tide and building winds for the afternoon to ensure that the finals would be run in the best conditions. The competition was run in a dingle format, meaning that a rider could lose a heat and still have a second chance to come back and win.

I the first round of the competition was a three-man heat format. This format allows the top men to advance an extra round and guarantees him a better spot. Early in the heats the locals had the advantage of knowing where the best spot would be to catch the waves and had a better read of the waves with their local knowledge. Very quikly the visiting pros learned the layout and were able to shred the waves. The local stand outs were Roussafi Rachid, Bouceta Yassine and Hamaini Soufiane.

In the third round of men competition, many of the heats were close. The first heat between Guias and Lentz was very close, Guias showing his smooth surfing skills while lentz took more risk on the bigger waves and got the win. Morrice and Tringale both got some good rides and put a good fight but failed to advance to the quarters. In the quarter finals Langeree, Henrique, Figueiredo and Lago charged the building swell and made it to the semifinals.

Kevin Langeree: “I am stoked to win, did not think I was going to do this well and on top of that my sister also wins, so cool”

In the first semifinal between Kevin Langeree and Abel Lago, Kevin set the pace from the start and Abel had to try to match his scores. However kevin pushed his lead event more by scoring a 7.77 on his final wave. The second semifinal was between Henrique and Figueiredo, Henrique miss timed his heat and got a wave too early that did not score. Nuno capitalized on his mistake and scored a 7.17 on his opening wave and secured the lead. The final was between Figueiredo and Langeree, Langeree scored a 7 on his opening wave with one hit on a 5 meter set wave. Figueiredo got a couple solid scores but Kevin got a big was in the dying minutes of the heat to secure his win.

The women’s ladder was very tough with the top four girls all being able to win the title. Dominique Cartan and Tanga Rosenkranz tried to challenge the top girls but were unable to pull off an upset. In the semifinals Jalou Langeree was on fire scoring a 7.73 and 6 to get in the final. Kari responded with two big scores a 6.67 and 6.57 but it was not enough. The other semifinal was between Correia and Kirsty, Correira scored a 7 and 6.33 and closed the door on Kirsty who had some good scores but could not match correia’s power turns.

The final heat of the women had some really big waves and the girls had to be careful not to get caught by a closeout sets. Jalou took more risk on the waves, going harder to the lip and was rewarded with a title.

We caught up with some riders and asked them about their thoughs on the event.

Jalou Langeree: “I am really happy to win the event riding backside, having trained frontside the past three month in SA, going to maui really helped with my backside surfing”

Predro Henrique “It was fun to come to an event and meet the best freestylers in the world and hangout in Dakhla”

Nuno Figueiredo “The organization at the event site was great with a BBQ, Tent and big conditions like at home.”

Do 21 maart:

The third day of the PKRA Dakhla, Morocco once again brought perfect 20 knot winds with men riding 9 to 11 meter kites and the women on 7 to 9 meter kites. The action was intense right from the beginning. We started the competition with the women’s single elimination and right from the start we could see that the women had been training hard over the winter.

In the first heat of the day Annabel Van Westerop from Aruba came out and really impress the judges by landing a blind judge, a 313 and other handle passes. The second heat featured Marie Switala from France who was able to land enough tricks to defeat Karpuk. The final heat of the first round featured Novotnno and El Jouhavi. Novotnno landed a nice 313 and an air back to blind to secure a place in the next round. The second round of the women’s single elimination featured the top women in the world with Pulido, Kajiya, Winkowska and Jungo. All four women were able to win their heats and advanced to the semifinals.

The first semifinal was in between Gisela Pulido and Bruna kajiya, Bruna Kajiya was able to land some technical passes but her execution was not as good as Gisela’s. Pulido was kiting really well and was able to execute flawless tricks and an excellent slim chance. The second semifinal was between Karolina Winkowska and Manuela Jungo, the world champion’s power and execution was too much for Manuela. Karolina finished her heat with a perfect front blind mobe securing a place in the final.
The battle for the third place on the podium was won by Bruna Kajiya, whose experience and powerful riding beat Jungo who landed some nice handle passes. The final was really exciting with both girls being powered on 9 meter kites. The heat was very close with the girls landing a full repertoire of handle passes, but in the end, Karolina’s execution secured her win in the singles and gets her closer to her fourth PKRA event victory in a row.

We started the men’s competition with the quarterfinals without the current two time world champion Youri Zoon who had been disqualified in the last heat of day 2. The first quarter final featured Tack and Jaspan. Jaspan was still on fire from yesterday, once again landing his grab KGB and a nice Tootsie Roll. The next heat Alex Pastor easily defeated Corniel with flawless execution of a blind judge five and some powerful tricks. The third heat of the quarters between Kevin Langeree and Marc Jacobs, was won by Marc Jacobs whose go for broke attitude was able to defeat Kevin Langeree who was not able to find his rhythm. The last heat of the quarters featured Reno Romeu from Brazil and Louis Hutter from France. The heat was extremely close with Hutter landing a grab 313 and other nice handle passes but Reno’s experience and big moves were able to defeat the Frenchman.

The first semifinal between Jaspan and Pastor was probably the most exciting heat of the day. A couple of tricks into it, Pastor lost this kite and had to swim back to shore. Meanwhile Jaspan was able land some tricks and advance his lead. Luckily for Pastor the world champion Youri Zoon brought him a kite but without a safety leash and then the last minute and a half of the heat Alex Pastor landed four perfect tricks to regain the lead and advance to the final. The second semifinal featured Reno and Jacobs. Once again Marc’s powerful riding and grabbed handle passes got him into the final. The battle for the third-place was won by Reno, who trick after trick kept going bigger and bigger, Jaspan was unable to land all the tricks that I had gotten him this far and had to settle for a fourth place.
The final of the men’s single elimination was a high-scoring affair for both riders and was won by only half a point. For most of the heat Marc Jacobs and Alex Pastor were evenly matched on the tricks, landing excellent front blind mobes, powered grab slim chances and flawless KGB’s. The difference was made when Alex Pastor in the final minute of the heat landed a blind judge five and took the singles title.

Everyone took a lunch break at Dakhla Attitude and by 15:30 everyone was ready to start the double elimination. By four o’clock the wind was gusting to 25 knots and all the riders were really powered. The first heat of the doubles was between Liam Whaley and Patrick Blanc. They set the tone for the doubles. Whaley and Blanc were throwing the most massive tricks one after the other, but it was Liam’s back mobe five that made the difference and gave him the victory. The other two riders that really stood out in the double elimination were Nico Suriel from Dominican Republic and the world champion Youri Zoon. In the strong winds Youri Zoon put on his 11 meter and landed some of the biggest blind judge fives and 317’s that we have seen on tour recently.
The day was action-packed with many riders performing at levels that we have never seen before. It is exciting to see new talent come on tour and challenge the veterans. The double eliminations are not finished yet and with so much talent on tour, anyone can still win this first PKRA stop in Dakhla Morocco.
Friday, March 22 will feature the return of wave riding to the PKRA, with a forecast of 3 meter waves and 25 knots on the perfect right hand break of Dakhla, we can expect some great action.

Wo 20 maart:

The second day of the PKRA Dakhla, Morocco started this morning with heat number 11 of the men. The winds were slightly offshore and a bit gusty but the race director decided to start the competition. The first three heats of the day were crucial due to the fact that the winner would go straight into the main event. The first upset of the day was in heat 11 when Nico Suriel from the Dominican Republic defeated Michael Schitzhofer to go into the main event. In heat number 12 and 13 Liam Whaley and Sam Light both secured a place into the main event.

After the first round of men, 13 men were qualified for the main event and 26 competitors remained for the ultimate three spots. After around two was completed, 12 men remained for the last three spots and three heats had to be run to pick the top three riders. Heat 20 was between Soussi, Hays, S. Garat and Guias. Sebastian Garat’s experience proved to be too much for the other riders consistently landing powered tricks and switch tricks. Garat was stoked to qualify for the main event after recovering from a serious shoulder injury. Heat 21 was between Barker, Corniel, Boulte and Schitzhofer. All four men are seasoned veterans of competitions and anyone could have won this heat; however Ariel Corniel’s explosive riding and 317 got him into the main event. The final heat of the trials was dominated by Mario Rodwald, whose down loop slim and technical riding got him into the main event.

After a short lunch break at Dakhla Attitude we started the main event in perfect 20 knot side shore conditions. With all the riders training over the winter, each rider became a contender to win his heat. The first heat was between Liam Whaley and Set Teixeira, Liam’s training was obvious from the start being able to land solid blind judges and 313’s. Teixeira was late getting to the heat but was able to quickly gain ground but in the end Liam took the win. Another exciting heat in round one was in between Alvaro Onieva and Eudazio da Silva. Onieva being a season competitor took a more conservative approach but da Silva came out throwing 317’s and blind judge 5’s. In the end da Silva’s technical tricks proved too much for Onieva even with all his experience.

Heat number six was between Mario Rodwald from Germany and Sam Light from the UK. Both riders came up through the qualifiers and were stoked to be in the main event. Sam Light went for some very technical moves like the Crow-Mobe but Mario was going for broke on every move, he put on a great display of power and took the win.

The first heat of the second round was between the eighth-seeded Christophe tack and Liam Whaley. Christophe tack set the pace with his first move landing a powerful slim 5, Liam landed a perfect 360 back mobe but it was not enough to defeat Christophe. The next heat was between Ewan Jaspan and Alberto Rondina. Alberto started the heat with a perfect back mobe, but Jaspan battle back with a great grab KGB an excellent S mobe and upset the number three rider in the world. The first heat between Alex Pastor and Eudazio da Silva was very close. At the end of the heats the judges missed a trick from Alex Pastor and the heat had to be rerun to make sure that we have a fair result. When the heat was started again both riders came out strong but the number two in the world had too much experience for the young Brazilian, landing a great front blind mobe and a 317. Da Silva landed a blind judge seven but it was not enough, we can be sure he will be a threat in the double elimination.

In heat 13 Marc Jacobs had a grab KGB and a grab back mobe and a few more big moves to defeat Borisov. The following heat was with Mario Rodwald and Kevin Langeree who came out on fire. Every move he sent was big and powered, this is what he had to say about that heat and is training: “I did a bunch of training this winter but I wasn’t super focused on learning new tricks, I went with a super mellow approach to the first event of the year and that strategy seemed to work pretty well. I’m also pretty stoked on my KGB were I scored a 7.8 which was my high score.” Kevin Langeree. Mario had already done four heats and ran out of steam, but put on a great show for the crowd.

The last two heats of the day were run as the sun was setting, the first heat between Reno Romeu and Sebastian Garat was very close, both riders had very similar tricks but in the end it was Reno who put an end to Garat’s streak. The final heat of the day was with the world champion Youri Zoon against Louis Hutter from France who had just performed a beautiful heat against Patrick Blanc. Youri was riding extremely well and on his way to victory but in the final minutes of the heat he crashed into Hutters kite and was disqualified. Youri he was not happy with the decision, but he knows he has to focus on the doubles to win this event.

Tomorrow the women will take to the water first, we asked to Gisela Pulido as she prepared for the season and how she feels about tomorrow. “I was training in South Africa all winter, I was able to train in different conditions. Then I went to Orlando to train on the cable park. I feel really well prepared for the season and ready to start the year. “Gisela Pulido

The forecast looks great for the rest the week, we should be switching over to her wave kites are discipline Friday morning. Check out the live feed on and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates.

Di 19 maart: -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

ostendlocal 18 March / 2013 / 16:14
Wind ziet er goed uit voor de komende dagen!
Er is een hele grote opkomst van riders dus ben benieuwd!

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

Tim 18 March / 2013 / 20:21
Komt er een livestream?

Tim had een 4 sterren sessie in Brouwersdam met maar liefst 14 - 15 knots op zijn SlingShot RPM (2014)

TRANKILO 18 March / 2013 / 21:31
ik zeg Hadlow 1

ostendlocal 18 March / 2013 / 23:42
Livestream link post ik morgenochtend normaal.
Zou normaal moeten zijn, maar mogelijks is het veranderd.

Hadlow is er niet, blijkbaar komt hij pas bij PKRA Italie

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

wazzaah 18 March / 2013 / 23:45 -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

Balance 19 March / 2013 / 10:42
Quote: ostendlocal - 19 maart, 2013 (00:42)
Livestream link post ik morgenochtend normaal. Zou normaal moeten zijn, maar mogelijks is het veranderd.Hadlow is er niet, blijkbaar komt hij pas bij PKRA Italie

Gaat Hadlow dan niet voor een titel dit jaar? Of is hij van plan alles op te halen door telkens nr 1 te worden?
Ben heeeeel benieuwd hoe hij het zal doen. Wat geef je 'm zo van slaagkans als jury? Westrijdervaring heeft hij alvast genoeg.
Icarus kiteshop & Duotone

Balance had een 4 sterren sessie in Blankenberge met maar liefst 20 - 25 knots op zijn Cabrinha Drifter (2012)

wazzaah 19 March / 2013 / 15:55
Trials: -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

wazzaah 19 March / 2013 / 18:44
Johnno Scholte in ieder geval ook door naar main event -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

Marc_87 19 March / 2013 / 18:54
Is het zeker dat Hadlow weer terug komt dan? Ik denk dat hij helaas de grond gelijk maakt met de Nederlanders en de rest...
Powered by Flysurfer

xray 20 March / 2013 / 09:47
Ik denk het niet... Ja het is een topper maar vrijwel alle jaren had hij voldoende tegenstand en een paar keer won hij nipt...

ostendlocal 20 March / 2013 / 10:03
Quote: Balance - 19 maart, 2013 (11:42)
Quote: ostendlocal - 19 maart, 2013 (00:42)Livestream link post ik morgenochtend normaal. Zou normaal moeten zijn, maar mogelijks is het veranderd.Hadlow is er niet, blijkbaar komt hij pas bij PKRA ItalieGaat Hadlow dan niet voor een titel dit jaar? Of is hij van plan alles op te halen door telkens nr 1 te worden? Ben heeeeel benieuwd hoe hij het zal doen. Wat geef je 'm zo van slaagkans als jury? Westrijdervaring heeft hij alvast genoeg.

Of aaron een kans maakt, ik denk het wel, maar hangt af van hoeveel z'n blessure nog parten speelt.

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

Gizzy 20 March / 2013 / 10:29
Quote: ostendlocal - 20 maart, 2013 (11:03)
Livestream: Of aaron een kans maakt, ik denk het wel, maar hangt af van hoeveel z'n blessure nog parten speelt.

Wanneer gaat de livestream online? Ik moet studeren dus ik zoek ff een goede reden om lekker te gaan soggen!
F-one, O'neill, Manera & Underwave

Gizzy 20 March / 2013 / 12:13
F-one, O'neill, Manera & Underwave

coconutplukker 20 March / 2013 / 17:27
Christophe Tack wint en gaat door naar de volgende ronde