Dublin Competition 29 and 30th October! Following on the success of the
last 2 events in Sligo and Kerry, the IKSA are going even bigger with
the Dublin 2005 event! We are proud to present the Dublin leg of the
Irish Kitesurfing tour 2005, with more than 4000 worth of prizes
available for the competition so far ! The format: with the Pros,
Amateurs and Ladies, dinner, big party...
Of course the main reason for the event is to celebrate Kitesurfing in Ireland,
with lots of great action and partying, and on the beach there will be
complimentary kite lessons available for anyone who wants to try flying a kite;
so bring down your granny and give her a go, she might be
throwing kiteloops before you are ! Further details to follow, and more
surprises are definitely on the way, so watch www.kitesurfing.ie and