Gisteravond dacht ik sensatie belust; laat ik ook maar eens kijken hoe dat Amerikaanse geneuzel is verlopen over Ruben op
Gebruikmakend van de search kom ik terecht op de bovenstaande link en zie tot mn grote verbazing een geweldig betoog van Dave.
Thanks for starting a clean topic.
As i didn"t want to reply in the "i"m a adult so I flame a young talented kid topic"
Some people in that topic had their rectums to wide open , they were all talking a lot of shit.
One thing is clear
The woman in the movie was , very agressive, intolerant, and very very unreasonable!
knowing Ruben everybody can say things to him negative and postive, if the raging woman just told him on a decent manor , Ruben is the first to comply to their wishes.
But as for some people (and speciale some americans (as mr. "done" has proven in the other topic) , bigmouthing and being unreasonable and agressive seems to be a way of how to interact with other people and that had its effect on the young adrenaline driven hero.
So what! if he said "your sport sucks anyway" in this situation it was just a defence-screem from our young hero alone on a big trip to a great nation. All he gets is agressive adults shouting at him! what wouldyou do?
But the phrase "your sport sucks anyway" is also just a opinion about a sport.
Even though he didn"t mean that at all...probably.
for instance what if Aaron hadlow would say that Motrocrossing Sucks?
would he be immediately flamed by dumb foulmouthing adults on the internet?
or Will James saying to a Ice-cream seller ,"I don"t like icecream" where does it end?
As Ruben has only two braincells in his head, they are both extremely postitive and one of a kind.
Something that can"t be said about other "kiters" here with even a billion braincells that are trying dissing him on kitefora as anonumous dumb fucks.
Please get a life! Or for once try to be a positive factor for the kitecommunity as a whole.
Picking and flaming on little talented kids doesn"t give the kiteboardcommunity the Image we all would like it to see.
Try to make something postive from a negative experience, not making it even worse.
you can for instance email a person or call him to talk about what bothers you. Don"t go dis on a forum, it really is low and sad.
And ruben as a whole is probably the best and most friendly pro-rider and human around, period!
( as everyone knows ,he makes his own movies for us all, he talks to everybody! all his fans even after a 26 hour flight he knows how to entertain a crowd and he also makes time for even his littlest fans on the beach that want autographs and advice or whatever, even when collapsing anytime from exhaustion, he manages to squiz a big positive smile out of him for everybody.
Ruben simply rocks, he is the King of the Air, a very good and sportive competitor in the PKRA, a great ambassedor for OUR sport, a gem to his sponsors and a good friend to many people all over the world.