Ein 39-jähriger niederländischer Kitesurfer ist in Süd-Afrika verstorben. Der Mann kam aus Rijssen und verbrachte den Winter seit 2 Jahren in Süd-Afrika bei Langebaan. Er arbeitete dort als Kitesurflehrer. Sein Körper wurde Dienstag abend im Meer tot aufgefunden.
Mitarbeiter der Rettung brachten den Niederländer noch an Land um in dort mit Reanimationsversuchen wiederzubeleben. Die Hilfe erfolgte leider zu spät. Laut Medienberichten der lokalen Presse wurden nun polizeiliche Ermittlungen eingeleitet.
Aus der Süd-Afrikanischen Presse KNRM:
At 17h35 on Tuesday the 6th of January, NSRI Mykonos duty crew were activated following reports of a kite surfer in difficulty off-shore between Mykonos and the Langebaan Lagoon Mouth.
NSRI Mykonos launched the sea rescue craft Transnet National Ports Authority TNPA Rescuer One and on arrival on-scene, 1 kilometre off-shore, the kite boarder, a 39 year old Dutch man, was found lying face down in the water. He was recovered onto the rescue runner, found to be not breathing and pulseless, he was raced to shore where NSRI medics commenced CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) efforts. They were joined by paramedics from South African Paramedic Services but despite extensive efforts to resuscitate the man and after all efforts at CPR were exhausted, paramedics declared the man deceased.
His body was taken into the care of the Police and the Forensic Pathology Services and Police have opened an inquest docket.
The cause of death is unknown.
The deceased man is from Rijssen in the Netherlands and has been a kite boarding instructor in Langebaan for the past two years on annual visits to South Africa.
Family abroad are being assisted by the Dutch Consulate.
Beileid an alle Angehörigen und seiner Familie!