Lewis Crathern ist natürlich vor allem bekannt wegen seines Sprungs über das Pier von Brighton. Momentan sieht man ihn oft als Kommentator bei der PKRA und bei anderen Events. Lewis gehört zu den Mitorganisatoren der Virgin Armada Events.
Being born and raised in the U.K was great for Lewis, as it has the perfect conditions for big air kiteboarding. So naturally, this is what Lewis brings to the party.
His home spot blows in from the right, and here in Cape Town the wind blows in from the left. This is one of Lewis’ favourite things about Cape Town, as it compliments his home spot and proves that riding both tacks can be equally as epic.
Big air is without a doubt his forte, and Lewis believes that with all the big names in one spot, the level of kiteboarding will be pushed further than ever before!
“I have been kiteboarding for 11 years and it’s something I know I will never stop doing. I want to be one of those guys that is still kiteboarding at 80!”