Voor de King of the Air moet natuurlijk wel getraind worden, dus zien we de complete Naish Kiteboarding top voorbijkomen in deze 14 minuten film. Met oa Robby Naish, Kevin en Jalou Langeree en Jesse Richman.
As host to kiteboarding's biggest legends and promising up-and-comers, RedBull King of the Air is a contest of epic proportions with riders, media and spectators traveling from all corners of the globe to watch the drama unfold.
So how does one train and manage their excitement in anticipation of the contest kick-off? Relive the excitement with a peek behind the scenes as Robby "the boss" Naish takes you around Cape Town, South Africa—the home of #KOTA 2015—to see how #TeamNaish riders Kevin Langeree and Jesse Richman got prepped!
Watch them rip alongside fellow #TeamNaish riders Jalou Langeree and Paul Serin as they push their riding to the next level.
Mooi team, die mannen van Naish.
Die allerlaatste opmerking van Robby is echt fantastisch!