update: the lovebirds :)
Hanglos "valentijns" special
door Slis
Hi Pauline,
Since my French vocabulary is only a few words from a famous All Saints Song
we will have this interview in English… if you don’t mind.
Don’t worry about grammar, cause I don’t either.
Name: Pauline Boussard
Nickname: My sisters calls me Popo
Age: 20
Hometown: HOSSEGOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Occupation/school: After finishing high school I started to focus myself only on kiteboarding.
Years of kiting: 4
Style of kiting: I don’t know.. no style??? hihi
What did you do before kiting:
dancing, tennis, sambo (judo but then in a Russian way), jujitsu, wave surfing, body boarding, roller, gymnastics, athletics…
How did you started kiting:
My Dad was already kiting and from the moment I saw it I like it. When I wanted to kite I was able to borrow the kite of my dad and just learned it.
I kited before with a small kite on the beach so I knew a little bit how it worked.
After a few days I was able to kite and after a week or 2 I was able to go upwind.
Was your dad a big help?
My dad helped me a little, showed me how it worked and after that I started trying myself. We didn’t had a school or something at our home spot so I needed to do it by myself.
When did you started competing:
After starting kiteboarding I liked it so much that after one year I decided to compete for the first time. The first competition was at my home spot in Seignosse and by my own surprise I became first.
What do you like most about competing:
The most important thing what I like about competing is having fun, meeting people and be pushed further in my kiteboarding skills. After competing you always are so motivated. For example, last year in Brazil. After competing the PKRA I was really motivated to learn the handle pass.
Your now sponsored by wipika international,
congratulations first of all how did you end up at wipika?
After competing the PKRA for one year I found a new sponsor, Wipika. After testing the kites I loved the Matrix and it was such a difference between my old kites.
Wipika trusted me and they wanted to support me with my goals.
Now this year I went to Wipika International which is sick!!
We all know wipika as the first brand, and since it was hard to get the new kites due to internet sales we don’t know al lot about them… can you tell us something about the kites and how do they perform?
For 2006 they have three kites. The Indy, Matrix and the Core. The Core is a trainers kite. The Indy is a really good kite for big air. It has lots of depower and is really fast, smooth and safe.
But my favourite kite, and the kite that I mostly use for freestyle is the Matrix. The new Matrix is just sick! Not only the looks but the performance is even better. It has total depower and when you unhook you’re pop is amazing.
If you see me, ask me and try ;)…
Do you also use a wipika board,
can you tell us something about them also
Last year I was kiting on the serum 117.
The board is just perfect for me, it is strong, fast and really good pop.
I think it is one of the best boards for girls because of the size and the shape.
This year I’m going to ride with the venom 120.
Do you have other sponsors or are you looking for more?
Yes I’m also sponsored by Quicksilver, Roxy and Weleda.
And if you know any good sponsor you know how to contact me ;) hihi…..
There is a discussion going on @ hanglos on your performing
is it true you beat the boys by tossing out handle passes?
The discussion is a little bit stupid I think.
I think people should care more about kiting then about other people kiting. And yes it’s true I can do the handle pass. I just learned it the last week of my journey in Brazil.
And if I kick some boys??...... Only they know that! hihi
And since how long can you do the handle pass?
The last week of my journey I learned to do the handle pass. I managed to grab the bar a long time before but the landing was really hard. Mostly the bar got out of my hands but now I’m managed to land it!
What kind of tricks are you working on
(or do you want to keep them as a surprise for coming PKRA to beat our Dutch girls (katja & jalou))
Next week I"ll go to Venezuela to keep on training. I have a lot of stuff in my mind and I would love to throw it out.
The only problem is that most of the time I’m on the water I think to much.
I think this is the biggest difference between boys and girls.
For girls there is not a really big competition. Jalou and Katja are my friends and not my enemies (during comp.). I would love to kite with all the girls again and pushing each other and learn!
What do you like better: cruising or wake style kiting.
Both… sometimes I just like to cruise. Sometimes I go out for 5 km or more. I don’t know why but maybe that is a big trill as well.
But the most I like to wakestyle. I love to kite with my Matrix on 20m lines. My favorite kite is the 7m2 and strong wind so you have great speed and lot’s of pop.
What are your ambitions? (what do you want to do in live, and kiting)
My main goal is to get on the PKRA top. I know it’s hard and the level of the woman is improving every day. That’s why I will go next week for 2 months to Venezuela to continue my training. After that I hope the first step from the PKRA is there, but that is not sure yet. The 16th of February we will know more about that.
Further I want to have fun and just enjoy what I’m doing now. I can travel the world and see a lot of things while I’m doing what I like most… There isn’t a better job!
On which place are you setting your money this year in the PKRA?
I really have know idea! I’m going to try, do my best and compete as many events as possible. We will see later
Why where you in brazil
Because I’m not a rich girl I have to train on the spots where the PKRA is, else it’s to expensive for me.
Further Brazil is awesome. It is one of the best places to train you’re skills and improve a lot! The sea is sometimes choppy but with low tide it’s perfect! Else you make a nice down winder to the lagoon and fix a ride back. The lagoon is so perfect to train! I just love Brazil!
Where have you been over the world
With kiting I already traveled to a lot of places in Europe and a few outside of Europe. Because I live one hour from the border from Spain I go every year to Tarifa. I have a lot of friends there so it’s making it more easy!
In 2002 I have been to Corsica which is a French island.
A year later, in 2003. I have been to Portugal, in Gincho.
Then I went to Hawaii, Maui in 2004.
Hawaii is beautiful, it was my first big trip outside of Europe. It was like a paradise, I saw things I never saw before. The water was blue, nice fishes, waterfalls and really warm water. It was just sick!
After Hawaii I went to Knokke, Belgium and Fuerte to compete in the PKRA.
Then I went the end of 2004 to Brazil. First to compete into the PKRA and then to train further in Cumbuco. I stayed there for 2 months and it was perfect. I had everyday wind!
With Christmas and new year I stayed in Hossegor, my hometown. I wanted to go but I didn’t had the money so after a couple of weeks working and getting sponsors I was able to go to Venezuela.
So I 2005 I went to Venezuela, Margarita, Coche. This was perfect. With her offshore strong but constant wind and the mirror flat water!! I trained there and compete the PKRA. I stayed there for 3 weeks.
Then I competed in Austria and Fuerte for the PKRA.
After that I went to Brazil and kept on training.
The end of 2005 I was in Brazil again and trained there a lot. It was really good again, with a lot of sun and wind! Brazil is just awesome!
And for this year?
Yes, I go to Venezuela for 2 months for training and competing in the PKRA. After it, we will look further. I hope I can compete the whole PKRA but we just have to see…
What is your favorite spot to kite?
It’s hard to say because there are so many good spots. I really like Venezuela and a love Brazil but I think my favorite one is Maui, flash beach. Everything is so beautiful here, just perfect!
What are your favorite conditions (wind in knots, waves etc)
My favorite conditions are 200m. flat water and then big curly waves with good wind for my 7m2 Matrix.
Do you kite with bikini… how can you keep it on when you crash?
Yeah I always kite in bikini.. and if you crash you just kite topless right??? Hihi
No I kited in bikini a while but that was with the old school tricks, you don’t crash so hard with those things so you don’t lose you’re bikini… now I always kite in my roxy shirt or lycra! Also better for you’re skin.
And to rap up the interview these are the last questions:
Since some of us already know, can you describe your relation with Randy :p
or is it just for the kiting skills he has?
how did you hook up with randy?
It was during my stay in Brazil. We saw each other allready in the lagoon but didn"t spoke a word.. i was kiting and he too.. After that we meet at the PKRA and he was really shy or sillent.. He was allmost only hanging out with Bas. At the last day there was a party and there we meet again..
The next week we started to hang out more and more and then i meet him at MuCuripe (discotheek) and there it all started............................
now i can"t get rid of him :(... hihi
Have you ever been to Holland yet?
Right now while I’m writing this interview I’m on randy’s bed in cold, freezing, grey fucking country…. But it’s still good.. Randy just letted me try a few typical things like Frikandel Speciaal, Patatje Shoarma, Kroket and more of you’re specialties!! Getting really fat over here! Haha..
And today I’m trying Zoute Haring.. curries how that is tasting. Hihi
do you spreak a little bit Dutch already?
Last year some friends taught me a lot of bad words, now I’m able to speak a little bit Dutch and understand it a little bit but it"s still very hard and difficult.
Do you know where Holland is famous for?
Hihi, I just saw it yesterday.. Yesterday we went to Amsterdam (1), there we saw a lot of tulips (2) and drugs (3).. A guy was offering me some XTC (4) and then we went to the red street (5). And last but not least I sad down in a big clump (6) (randy says: Klomp).
If you have something to share or to ad to this interview
it’s all Yours
Off course I want to thank Wipika, Roxy and Weleda for supporting me for the last year and the years that are coming. Also I want to thank you and hanglos for this interview.
Hope to see you on the water,
Bisous(=kiss), Pauline!
Sebastiaan had een 3 sterren sessie in Zandvoort met maar liefst 20 - 25 knots op zijn North Vegas (2011)
-DAVE- had een 5 sterren sessie in Wijk aan Zee met maar liefst 16 - 23 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2006)
next time will have a interview in a coffeeshop
Ben erg onder de indruk van haar, wat een levensverhaal al weer!
Leuk interview Slis!!!
Leuke antwoorden Pauline...
"Sometimes I go out for 5 km or more. I don’t know why but maybe that is a big trill as well."
dit is echt gekken werk, die vaart even naar buiten tot dat je alleen nog een vlekje ziet. Vraag je haar waarom, ja is toch leuk lekker alleen en ben je in een keer upwind...TOP
Ga zo door Pauline!!!
BasKoole had een 3 sterren sessie in Big Bay met maar liefst 24 - 28 knots op zijn Airush Razor (2011)
RobbyNitroz had een 5 sterren sessie in Zandvoort met maar liefst 15 - 20 knots op zijn SlingShot Wave SST (2017)
do you spreak a little bit Dutch already?
Last year some friends taught me a lot of bad words, now I’m able to speak a little bit Dutch and understand it a little bit but it"s still very hard and difficult.`
RobbyNitroz had een 5 sterren sessie in Zandvoort met maar liefst 15 - 20 knots op zijn SlingShot Wave SST (2017)
Als ze up wind gaat vanaf workum weet ik niet wat er gebeurt.
Waar kom je uit he als je clump kan zeggen
ghehe cool
PAULINEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
jorush had een 3 sterren sessie in Kijkduin met maar liefst 16 - 20 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2011)