Endgültiger Entschluss der ISAF über die künftige Entwicklung des Kitesurf WeltCups? Jedenfalls dürfte St.Peter-Ording von der IKA durchgeführt werden.
In an official statement sent today to the International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) and “Virgin Kiteboarding”, the International Sailing Federation has confirmed that under the ISAF regulations, the IKA is entitled to award a specific set of World Championships and the sole right to hold these is granted to IKA.
It is further stated, that ISAF will not grant permission for a World Championships to “Virgin Kiteboarding” for the reasons stated above.
We thank ISAF for its continued support and the clarification that ends an almost 2 months uncertainty for organizers, competitors and media.
The International Kiteboarding Association has now been requested by the organizer in St. Peter-Ording for a solution that allows competitors and officials alike to participate in an official IKA sanctioned world championship event.
It is the goal of IKA to give the sport back to the riders and to involve all stakeholders opinions in the development of the sport as well as to guarantee that rules and judging systems are used which ensure that the best rider will be crowned world champion 2015.
We are sure that we can publish positive news on this very soon to go ahead with this fantastic event.
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