Oahu, Hawaii May 9th, 2006 is the first stop of the International Starkites demo and ‘Know Your Bow’ tour.
Visitors will not only be able to test the awesome new Starkites ‘S-Bow’ kite, but can also attend the ‘Know Your Bow’ workshops hosted by Eric Beaudonnat - co-founder of the IKO, designer of the Starkites range and all round safety guru.
The workshops, designed to prepare the kiteboarding community for coming bow-kite explosion, will explore the differences between the bow and traditional kites from: set-up, launching, landing and riding techniques to safety measures, kite trimming and the future development of bow kites. These workshops will offer valuable knowledge for all level of rider from tentative beginner to hardcore salty sea-dogs!
Zijn wel mooie kites. Goed afgewerkt en varen prima.
Ik heb een van de proto"s getest. Ik vond de kite beter varen dan bv de crossbow en de Turbo Diesel. Bar druk was redelijk laag en de kite reageerde snel. Na de Ripper van EH voelde ik me onder deze kite het meeste thuis.