Jetzt wo der Winter langsam aber doch immer näher kommt, wird der Markt mit den neuen 2016er Snowkites gerade zu überschwemmt. Auch Peter Lynn mischt in dieser Kategorie heuer ordentlich mit. In Norwegen wurde schon mal das erste Introvideo des neuen Leoparden gedreht, der HP freeride snowkite!
Here it is, the all new Peter Lynn 2016 Leopard.
We took the new Leopard on a roadtrip to camp Vierli Norway.
Big air snowkiting requires performance and finesse. The Leopard offers both by the bucketload, it has tons of lift, crazy amounts of float and is fast down the line. But to boost big and fly high you need more than just raw power, most of all you need a reliable kite, a kite which is stable, safe and easy to control.
The Leopard is an extremely powerful depower foil with superior flight characteristics. In light winds it is quick enough and generates enough power to get you going, but crank the bar in higher winds and you’ll be taking off before you know it. Feel the acceleration and experience the thrill of sending the Leopard for a long floaty jump.