Ca chauffe un peu sur facebook depuis le "classement" mondial version IKA.
Petit extrait!
International Kiteboarding Association "To be perfectly clear here: this situation has only evolved because PKRA has changed their rulebook without consultation and agreement with the sanctioning body. The rules about how the world championship title is calculated has not changed since end of 2012, for the 2013 season.
Liam Whaley's Cabrinha team manager has been in touch with us in December to clarify which title Liam can claim. He has fully understood the situation and the rules and promised that there will be no claim for world champion.
IKA has been requested by one of its member national kite associations to clarify the situation which we have done, according to the long standing rules."
réponse de Liam... visiblement l'IKA a mal compris!
Liam Merrick Whaley It is simple: All of us riders started the tour off with the VKWC rules.... We competed through out the year on the VKWC tour with the VKWC rules, not on the IKA tour with the IKA rules. I am not saying that I like the VKWC, quite the opposite actually (PAF, ndlr...) but dont you think it would be respectful to the riders to accept the VKWC ranking. I want to know What is the reason for this shitty press release on the 16th of January with your rules and your point system claiming the 2015 ''world champs'' if you have had pretty much nothing to do with the tour this year. How many events did anyone from IKA show up to? Do you guys honestly think that the situation is now clarified? Sit down and think what is best for the sport, a bad relationship with the riders is definitely not the best way to start. This is not just a fight between IKA and VKWC... You guys are creating something a lot worse