Nu we bijna allemaal aan de foilboards gaan zie je ook steeds meer foil kites op het water. Vorig jaar kwam F-one met de Diablo die meteen podium na podium pakte met Maxime Nocher aan het roer (vorige week wederom wereldkampioen geworden).
In de laatste maanden voeren de F-one mannen al niet meer met de "gewone" Diablo maar met de nieuwe versie; de Diablo V2. De V1 blijft leverbaar in de maten 11 en 15 omdat de V2 een nog extremere race-machine is geworden.
Dus zeker niet voor iedereen maar wil je hard(er) gaan en met de NL foilcup mee gaan doen dan kan je de Diablo op je Sint lijstje zetten
F-one over de aanpassingen:
For 2017, the DIABLO V.2. goes even further, it is now the ultimate racing weapon.
The goal was to expand the wind range, raise the efficiency of the kite and to improve the upwind angle without losing any performance. Our designers achieved this by increasing the aspect ratio, as well as the number of cells. These developments all boost the kites speed, power generation and its angle in the wind window. It also creates a more accurate profile across the span of the kite, which further enhances lift, stability and performance. The bridle has also been totally redesigned for 2017 to deal with the new higher aspect ratio.
To reduce turbulent flow as the air leaves the profile of the kite some mini ribs have been added to the trailing edge, decreasing the drag and enhancing the airflow. The construction retains the lighter fabric on the underside of the kite, which was introduced last year. This method increases the responsiveness of the kite and also helps the DIABLO V.2. outperform its rivals on the downwind legs of the racecourse.
The DIABLO V.2. is a finely tuned, turbocharged, thoroughbred version of its predecessor, taking an already winning formula and developing it even further. Featuring top of the range performance while remaining stable and responsive The DIABLO V.2. is the very epitome of a racing wing and will take you straight to the top of the podium, just like it does for Maxime NOCHER.