Faire voler une wipika de 1996 en 2017, c est la bonne idée du légendaire Top Hat, Reo Stevens et Félix Pivec. Avec pas mal d appréhension ils ont réussi à refaire voler ce kite historique qui était un vrai camion méga power ! Et franchement vu les images, on peine à imaginer qu'ils ont eu du mal à rider avec tellement ils envoient malgré tout.
Voici les impressions de Reo Stevens qui font vite déchanter sur les qualités de l aile.....
Here it is, kiting on an original Wipika classic from 1996.. I can not imagine what we were all thinking when we first started to kite. By comparison, these kites are horrible! 6.5meter that turns the speed of one of today's 20+meter kites with bar pressure the equivalent of 15-20lbs (my tendentious is back). In all honestly, if this was the only option today I would probably still windsurf. It actually reminded me a lot of windsurfing, it's hard, feels extremely heavy, it's a struggle to get it to do what you want it to do as well as go where you want to go. Plus, when you come in you are more frustrated than when you went out! (This is my personal experiences, no offense to the die hard windsurfers out there) Cheers to the pioneers that made this amazing sport happen. I was stoked to be a part of it from the beginning, but sure am happy that we progressed passed this point quickly!