Shawn Richman had het bijltje er even bij neergegooid maar is weer terug in de Kitescene. Shawn is opgenomen in de RRD familie en vaart vanaf nu met RRD gear.
Opgegroeid in Hawaii maar inmiddels neergestreken op een eiland bij Kenya en is daar zijn eigen lamu kite and yoga begonnen. Check even die link; kan je hem meteen op je bucket list zetten
Waarom RRD:
Sponsorship is like being in a partnership, a relationship, and a family. When I was thinking about who I wanted to talk to about getting back in the sport I thought back on all the connections that I had made in my career, one person stood out that I’ve always had the upmost respect for. That was Roberto. He was more stoked then anyone on the beach, so genuine and passionate about all the gear that he makes but more importantly how it helps the rider have more fun! He is someone who will take the extra time, put that extra effort in, make the more expensive decision if the result will better the experience for the rider.
That is so important to me. I sent him an email after not speaking to him in years and he responded within hours being the same stoked Roberto that I remembered.
What I did not expect was who he then put me in touch with! None other then, Alex Vliege!! This is a guy I first met years ago at one of my first international contests. A guy that I also repect for his passion and dedication to the sport, so fitting that he is now International Marketing and Team Manager for Rrd. I knew that I had made the right decision, this is the kind of family that will make all the difference as I enter this new chapter of kiting.
Check de link hieronder voor het hele interview