On the 9th I flew from Brussels to Athens and met up with Charlotte and Madison. That night we spend in a hotel near the port to catch the High Speed 3 ferry to Paros. We came into Paros after 3 hours on the ferry. When we got off the boat Constantine was waiting for us already. So we put the stuff on the car and drove down to the dive center where we chilled a bit and then I went down with 1 of the owners to pick up a car we could use for our time being here. After checking the beach we borrowed some gear to go snorkeling, but first we went down to the port again to get one of those nice gyros wraps. We met up with Gorge again and ask what a nice place was to go snorkeling. He made a phone call and we could go with the divers to this beautiful place.
The next morning the wind was south and a bit gusty, but at least we got to kite on 12m2. After having an ok session we went out to dinner with Gorge and Constantine. During the night the wind switched directions and came from the North now. It still wasn't quit strong, So we had to take out the twelves again. When we got to the beach the next day it picked up so much. We had to go out on our 7m2 Madison even took his 4.5m2. In the mornings it was lighter so we tried to get there early and practice some tricks... While in the afternoon we just went Massive.
On Mday we got picked up from Paros and went over to Mykonos for the last day. When we got out of the airport. We drove down to the hotel. When we pulled up the hotel looked sweet. When we got into the room it looked even sweeter. Everything in there was white and looked very peaceful. After a nice diner and a super sweet night of sleep we went down to one of the many beaches. The wind was off shore and to sketchy to kite. So we just had a chill day. Madison and I went to search for cliffs to jump from and I've never ever seen so few straight people. When we found a little cliff I jumped to see how shallow it was. When I came out of the water the girls showed up and jumped. It wasn't to high so we were over it pretty fast. We had a nice dinner in town with everyone. In the morning we got dropped off at the airport and because we were with 7 people checking in we didn't have to pay anything although all together we had 30 kg overweight. Later we started boarding and 30% of the luggage couldn't come on the plain. After a McD stop in Athens we flew on to Brussels.