Welcome to IKITEMAG the worlds number one online kite magazine!
IKITEMAG is a free online power kiting magazine that focuses
on all aspects of power kiting. It is published every 2 months and is
completely free to read.
Every issue of IKITEMAG will be packed full of interesting
articles about the sport of power kiting. We will not focus on one
aspect of this varied sport but instead focus on all aspects,
incorporating buggies, landboards, snowboards and skis. IKITEMAG will
be running product reviews throughout the season and will also be
featuring technique articles to help you improve your skills.
IKITEMAG uses Flash technology to bring you a complete
magazine experience online. We use a navigation template that is
optimised for a 1024x768 resolution or a 15inch screen. If you are
using smaller screens be sure to push the full screen button to allow
all the navigations bars to operate correctly.
IKITEMAG is the world’s number one online power kiting
magazine. IKITEMAG is FREE to read and published 6 times a year by Next
Element Ltd.