9 June 2008
1 Reacties
Here are the eight basic steps to performing a Frontside Air.
Step 1 Coming out of a nice hack or cutback, precede down the line and initiate some speed for this trick. Speed is one of many key concepts when doing a Frontside Air.
Step 2 Look down the line for a nice section that allows you to get some pop. A good section is one that is a few seconds from lipping up. If you see a section that’s still rolling or already throwing out, you either won’t get the pop you need or you will get thrown into the flats. A nice lip allows you to get height on your air.
Step 3 Continue on the wave as if you were doing a toeside bottom turn with your kite medium low and moving into the wind window. Move toward and into your section that is almost about to lip up. Remember to obtain some speed. (A wider stance may make it easier at first.)