5 Things Tyler Durden Can Teach You About Kiteboarding
by Carlo van Wyk
Fight Club is one of those movies that really moved me. It certainly messed with my belief systems and how I look at things today. Anyone who thinks that this movie is about fighting, have missed what this movie is really about. It's a movie about being true to yourself, not falling prey to the material world, and the sacrifices you have to make in order to live your life the way you truly want to live it.
Surprisingly, Tyler Durden can also teach us a lot about kiteboarding.
"You are not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your f#$%*ing khakis." Truer words could never have been spoken. Having the best kiteboarding gear does not make you a kiteboarder, and neither does it make the kiteboarder. Don't be so hung up on the latest kit, just get out there and kite. Â Idd..! Â YES, zometeen m'n nieuwe Bandit Dos binnen!!Â
Can you really call yourself a kiteboarder if you've never torn a muscle, cracked a bone, shed some blood, had some discoloration from bruising or have some scars to show for it? It's all part of the game, and to be a true kiteboarder you've got to pay your dues.
You've got to have at least a few kitemares to start out with. And to add new moves to your repertoire, sometimes the only way to do it is to earn it. And there's nothing like earning a move after a bit of bruising.
So live a bit. Lose the helmet, the impact vest and the cellphone. Push your own boundaries, and at the end of it you might have more to show than just some stylish moves. You might have a scar or two you can show your grand kids one day.
Fightclub is een hele goeie film, maar om nou in een film wereld te gaan leven Ik heb nog geen deathwish, dus regel twee sla ik maar even over