Dylan 19 January / 2009 / 16:16
gedaaaan Smiley

ostendlocal 19 January / 2009 / 17:22

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

Dylan 19 January / 2009 / 20:45
gelijk al mailtje teruggehad: super Smiley

Morres 19 January / 2009 / 21:48
ga lekker gebruiken Jo Wilson, praten we dan verder, this is so oldfashioned

Morres had een 0 sterren sessie in Harlingen met maar liefst 0 - 0 knots op zijn Gaastra Jekyll (2013)

jowilson 19 January / 2009 / 22:10
Thank you to the people who have taken the time to fill this in. I really appreciate it. Sorry if you find it old fashioned and perhaps I should take the time to learn how to use an internet version of making this, but I can ensure you there is a lot of working going into this as it is and I was hoping with regards to a questionnaire it would be ok to have it like this. I can assure you my holidays will not be in the least bit old fashioned - especially with the advise that I have been receiving from all the kitesurfers. I have had over 100 responses so far which has been really useful, but I'd love to have a lot more. If there is any more people who wouldn't mind filling it in then this would be REALLY appreciated. You can leave out the questions regarding UK coaching, but please do take the time to answer the questions regarding trips abroad. Many thanks
Jo Wilson
jo wilsonsponsored by: Naish International, Protest Boardwear, NPX Wetsuits and Sunset Beach Ho

Slis 19 January / 2009 / 23:04
there you go Jo
thnx for using hanglos... perhaps morres can help Jo out
making it an online version ;)

ostendlocal 19 January / 2009 / 23:52
 it doesn't need to be a online version...
mostly you have to answer with Yes or No, that's not so difficult Smiley
It's very friendly she answered after filling in the enquete.

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

Morres 20 January / 2009 / 02:53
Quote: Slis - Maandag 19 Januari, 2009 23:04
there you go Jothnx for using hanglos... perhaps morres can help Jo outmaking it an online version ;)

Is Jo sexy? ' cos it helps ;)
Anyway, I allready e-mail you, but it's almost the same as what i told u here.

Morres had een 0 sterren sessie in Harlingen met maar liefst 0 - 0 knots op zijn Gaastra Jekyll (2013)

bummes 20 January / 2009 / 09:37
jo likes to drink tequilla in the maucaripe, fortaleza, right jo?
geen fanfare als euterpe

jowilson 20 January / 2009 / 11:52
Thats a vicious rumour!! I drink soda water now!!? Mind you if i could somehow get magic'd back to brasil right now i would drink tequilla all night long :-) all night all night
jo wilsonsponsored by: Naish International, Protest Boardwear, NPX Wetsuits and Sunset Beach Ho

bummes 20 January / 2009 / 14:22
haha, thats a nice idea!

maybe steve frenk etc can join! for a nice party!
geen fanfare als euterpe

jowilson 20 January / 2009 / 18:24
does that make bummes niels?

Im enjoying the responses? Anymore to come?

jo wilsonsponsored by: Naish International, Protest Boardwear, NPX Wetsuits and Sunset Beach Ho

bummes 22 January / 2009 / 09:27
haha, i think you are right yo!

good luck with your travel business!!
geen fanfare als euterpe