20 January 2011
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A video and update on Sam's Medysky injury.
The past couple month I’ve been trying to get to the gym 3 days a week to work out to help prevent any injuries while riding. Well.... I’ve discovered there are some injuries that just can’t be avoided....
January 1st I headed to kite beach Maui with Craig Cunningham, Senis Graves and Brandon Scheid. I was super stoked for the first session of the new year and stoked to be having it on Maui. I headed out on a 9m Taboo. I was pretty well powder and did a couple hits in the pool. The next hit I did coming in to the pool didn’t turn out as aspected..... I went in for a big Blind judge 3 that I’ve done a million times but half way through the pass a dropped the handle.... Normally no big deal crash and get back up... But this time after I missed the handle the tip of my middle finger on my right hand got caught in the leash... as I crashed into water the kite powder up and went smackin into the water. I could feel the tension of the kite pulling on my finger but didn’t thing to much of it. when I surfaced in the water I when to grab my bar and blood was kinda squirting all over so first thing in my mind was Sh*t sharks so I relaunched my kite rode to shore ditch my kite in a bush and ran up to the beach. I told my friend Craig “ummm I’m gonna needa hospital but grab the camera” Lou Wainman was nice enough to give me a lift to the hospital and a hand filling out the paper work when I arrived. Once I got to see a doctor he asked me “where is the rest of it” I said “I have no idea in the water somewhere”? and well then the doctor said that the bone was exposed and they’d have to cut some of the bone in order to stitch it shut. So after some freezing needles in the hand they started surgery while I was awake and had Craig filming. I think the worst part of the whole episode was hearing the clippers cutting away at the bone but not being able to feel it what so ever. So in the end I lost about 3/4 of an inch of bone and 15 stitches or so.
I had to cancel the rest of my Maui trip and cancel a flight to Mexico and now will be heading home to Toronto to heal up for a month then back to riding!