-Do you kite a lot? (min. 2 times per week)
-Are you a respected member of your local kite community?
-Do you have a good riding level?
-Are you friendly and willing to help out others?
-Do you offer other kiters the possibility to test your kite if they are interested?
-Are you a fan of GIN KITEBOARDING?
If you can answer all the above questions with YES you might be an interesting candiate for our national / promotional team!
Our national / promotional riders get the chance to ride the latest GIN KITEBOARDING equipment at very interesting conditions.
If you are interested in joining the GIN KITEBOARDING team please write us an e-mail with the following information:
- Name
- Home
- e-mail / phone
- date of birth
- favorite discipline (for example: freeride, wave, freestyle etc.)
- the 3 spots where you ride most
- short motivation why you want to ride for GIN KITEBOARDING and why we should pick you
- photo / video material of you riding