Altijd leuke interviews van Kitesista en yes deze keer wordt onze eigenste Lisette Blankestijn geinterviewd!
She is a Wainman Team rider who rides with style and commitment. Please meet our friend Lisette Blankestijn.
KSm: How does kiting with other girls affect your time on the water?
Lisette: It depends of what girls are kiting. If for example they have the same level then when we ride with each other between girls in holland it’s all about who is the most extreme!
For example when I was riding with Marcus we were pushing each other to do kite loop handle-pass… we had a good connection. But with a guy it’s different… you just think, ok he’s a guy, he is a good rider… with a girl you just have to try!
In Holland I ride with girls and when I see one of them try some real hard trick and push herself really hard as well, I just tell to myself you have to try it now if not you are such a pussy!