De IKO heeft zijn tweede editie van het Snowkite handboek gelanceerd. De IKO is wereldwijd de bekendste kitesurf organisatie en richt zich vooral op opleidings programmas.
Mooi om een handboek snowkiten uit te brengen vanuit het hoofdkantoor in Cabarete (Dominicaanse Republiek)
First Snowkite Reference Tool Downloadable to Portable Devices to Use While Kiting
Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, January 07, 2013: IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) announced today that it has released the 2nd Edition of the Snowkiter’s Handbook. What makes this edition distinct is that it can be downloaded, and is immediately available on many portable devices making it possible to use as a reference while kiting.
This state-of-the-art version of the Snowkiter’s Handbook has been released by the prestigious and International kiteboard training organization, the IKO. “We here at the IKO realize that snowkiters are not indoor type folks that sit behind a computer all day.” Explained Frederic Béné, CEO and co-founder of the IKO. “In order to meet the need to learn safely while snowkiting, we have updated the Snowkiter’s Handbook to be more engaging and portable to use as a reference while snowkiting.”
The release of this second Edition of the Snowkiter’s Handbook includes more vivid and clear illustrations on how to perform snowkiting skills, and is a necessary companion for any beginning to intermediate snowkiter looking to learn and to become a safe independent snowkite rider. Comprised of explanations with full-color photo demonstrations and exercises, this Handbook not only helps students learn proper snowkiting practices and techniques but also outlines what should and should not be done at every step of the learning process. As a bonus, included are useful tips on understanding the wind and weather; choosing the right snowkiting location and equipment; and a complete list of snowkiting terminology. Additionally, this handbook can be downloaded onto portable devices to use as a reference anywhere.
“Now is the season to learn snowkiting,” said David Dorn, training director for the IKO, “Snowkiting is the logical progression from kiteboarding, and provides that extra thrill to those already involved in snow sports who want more excitement.” IKO training helps perfect skills for doing amazing jumps and tricks on frozen lakes or anywhere there is a large surface of ice and snow. The benefit of snowkiting down a mountain is no lift is needed as snowkiters fly right back up the hill or fly over terrain covering 100-200 kilometers per day or more depending on skill level. This type of snowkiter who flies over long stretches of terrain is called a Snowkite Tourist. “It brings an amazing sense of freedom. So, if you want to snowkite as a downhill glider or tourist, learn it the right and safest way possible.”
The content from the IKO Snowkiter’s Handbook comes from the top and most experienced snowkiters in the world. The IKO has the world’s largest kiteboarding network. This network is IKO’s exclusive resource that helps with providing the best training and tools available in the sport. Aptly, the IKO has an established snowkite training program for both recreational and professional kiting. With the IKO, one can learn to snowkite for fun or become a certified snowkite instructor.