We have just returned from Cozumel, Mexico and our 4th Annual Winter Gear Test !!
Check out the Trip in the latest issue of Kiteboarding Magazine HERE
Every year the REAL crew heads some place warm and nice with all of the new gear for the year to ride, ride and ride some more! The purpose of all this riding? Riding all of the gear allows us to become familiar with all of the new gear, find what works or doesn"t work and allows all of the REAL coaches and Staff that you talk to about gear to fully understand the tech and have personal experience with the gear. From here, we base the choices about what we will stock in our retail shops and what we recommend to our clients.
2005 FUEL"s Take a the best kite on the planet and make it even better! The 2005 FUEL"s represent 5 years of evolution of a kite that just gets better and better! One pump simplicity, surf tough durability, ultimate performance! Find out why these are the most lusted kites on the planet! _/-\o__/-\o__/-\o__/-\o__/-\o_