This is a wind powered challenge to get from Maui across the infamous Pailolo Channel (Molokai Express). All proceeds benefit the Youth In Motion Charity.
Entry fee covers:
Race Rash Guard
Luau and after party
Ferry Passage back
Container space over and back
Camping is available
Hotel space is limited
Entry fee is $125 per person
John Holzhall at is the Kite and Kite Boat Coordinator. The Challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. We strongly recommend that participants train in distance riding, self exits, and have the techniques required to make it from a wind shadow to the wind line. With that said, rescue teams are in place.
Teams of two or more are recommended.
Make checks out to Youth In Motion and mail them to the
Kiteboard Center 96 Amala place Kahului HI 96732
Email your name and contact info to