Alvast voor de kalender van volgend jaar, mocht je toch komende winter richting Azie vertrekken kan je alvast rekening houden met de KTA tour. De KTA kent net niet het nivo van de PKRA maar er wordt daar wel serieus gewerkt aan het kitesurfen en het imago van het kitesurfen. De exacte datums komen binnenkort.
From the shout outs we are starting to get we know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for the new 13/14 KTA Asia Tour season to be announced, well yep actually us too. We are almost there with the rounds lining up nicely, but it’s just a bit too early yet to put out the final schedule. It’s not far off though and we just beg your good patience for a couple more weeks while we fine tune some things and sign off all the last licenses and contracts it takes to make it all happen.
What we can do now though is give you the pre-schedule of planned 13/14 tour so that you can start to think and consider your season nice and early, but don’t start booking flights or hotels just yet, please wait for the full final tour package and tour stop information to be published.
13/14 KTA Asian Championship Tour pre-release schedule