It’s common thought that kite harness evolution is at the end but after few brainstorming we identified improvements to our system and designed the 2014 product line.
Our main issue was to eliminate any possibility for the product to fail: we decided to design molds to cast all the DYNABAR parts, welding process is over. Harness belts goes all around the back and are stitched all the way, reducing to almost zero the possibility of failure.
The features of the new product line are almost the same as previous years but we would like to remind you how JAY XT harness and DYNABAR V8 XT can be used by all kiter’s skill levels and in all different styles.
- Beginners can take advantage from the PIVOTING HOOK configuration, the hook can turn in all direction reducing the rotation of the pad and harness. They could also use the FR slider and have a real benefit when walking on the beach or body dragging.
- Free riders have plenty of choices: PIVOTING HOOK if the like comfort and jump without the need to control a sliding hook, FR SLIDER to enjoy toe side ride but with a more stable hook, DYNEEMA SLIDER to play with. Finally they could also use a FIXED HOOK but we don’t see a real benefit to use it.
- Freestyle riders won’t feel the difference from any other fixed hook harness when using the FIXED HOOK, but when conditions changes they can switch to sliding hook with waves or use hook locker in racing.
- Wave riders need body movement in order to slash waves and feel the freedom of a surfboarder. The DYNEEMA SLIDER is the most used option but they can also mount the steel PW SLIDER for faster hook response.
- Snow kiters have a lot of side pull when using ski and DYNABAR is the no-missing solution. Using snowboard any trick will be easier to execute.
- Racers can use the HOOK LOCKER instead of a traditional hook. By opening the CL you can insert the loop inside the HOOK LOCKER, close it back and be sure that you will never unhook accidentally unless you don’t pull the quick release. Another advantage is the low lever that limits the twist of harness and pad.
- KiteBuggy is a minor discipline but with the same or even bigger problem, the side pull. DYNABAR is the only working solution available to offer you this feature.
- Kiters will continue to get the same disease: when they try sliding hook they can’t go back to a fixed hook!