Ca se passe en Western Australie, qui regorge de spot de kite et de windsurf. Gilet de sauvetage obligatoire au dela de 400m du bord.
La réglementation gagne du terrain, est ce un bien ou un mal, à vous de voir.
Kite surfers must now obey strict new safety rules. Photo: Jacky Ghossein
The state government has brought in new laws making it illegal to kite surf or wind surf offshore without safety equipment.
From the beginning of August kite surfers and wind surfers who are more than 400 meters from shore must wear a life jacket and carry flares or a personal locator beacon.
A spokesperson for the Department of Transport said: "There have actually been some deaths of kite surfers. For them a life jacket is a life preserver. If you knock yourself out while you are kite surfing and you don't have a life jacket, you will drown.
"There have been some incidents but we don't have official records because until now kite surfing was not recognised as a marine activity."
The laws state that if a kite surfer or wind surfer is between 400 meters and two nautical miles from shore they now require a lifejacket and can choose to carry either red and orange flares or an Emergency Radio Indicating Beacon (EPIRB) or Personal Locator Beacon.
Between Two and five nautical miles operators must carry a lifejacket and EPIRB. Further offshore they must also carry parachute flares.
Department of Transport safety education coordinator Laurie Adams said: "The laws have the capacity to save lives.
"Endorsed by the WA Kite Surfing Association and Windsurfing Western Australia, following extensive consultation, the new requirements will be the subject of an education campaign phased in over the next 18 months."