Kris Beech...eventuell kennst du das verrückte Push Kiteboarding Team; Die Männer die nahe am Wasser auf dem Land megaloopen oder eben andersrum ...künftig heben sie ab mit Peter Lynn Kites! -->
Wir von Peter Lynn sind stolz unseren neuesten Teamrider Kris Beech in unserem Team aufzunehmen. Kris Beech ist schon seit Jahren ein bekannter Name innerhalb der Kite Landboarding Szene. Unter anderem ist er Kris Mitglied beim Push Kiting Team, womit er den Sport schon seit einigen Jahren in neue Höhen katapultiert.
Kris wird ordentlich abgehen mit seinen neuen Peter Lynn Fury Kites und wir sind gespannt was er uns alles in naher Zukunft zeigen wird. Bis jetzt sieht alles sehr vielversprechend aus!
Genug gesagt von unserer Seite, lassen wir doch einfach am besten `the man himself’ ans Wort !
“Hey, I am Kris Beech, I’m 26 years old and I am a Pro kite land boarder from Frinton on Sea in Essex, U.K. I have been kiting 6 years now and am still as hooked as the day I had my first go, I focus on competing, making videos and pushing the limits of whats possible on a kite land board. My other sponsors are Trampa Boards and I work closely with the Push Kiting team. When I was younger I grew up skateboarding and BMXing, but then I found out how amazing kiting is. When I’m not kiting, I run the family business, which involves building and repairing fibreglass boats at the local marina. On windless days (it happens) I like to longboard, do a bit of skateboarding, go for a cycle or head out to the nearest wake boarding park for a session with some mates.
Im excited to have joined the Peter Lynn team. You will find me at all KLB events this year as well as making new videos.
Leaving Flexifoil was a hard decision to make after riding for them for 3 years. They supported me well, but after much thought I felt it was time to move on to something new and fresh. Change is good and as a kiter you will know the importance of the ability to reinvent your self, this is important to help you stay at the top of your game. The offer of Peter Lynn kites was amazing for me as it opens up a whole new world of opportunity, these are the guys that pushed land kiting from day one with kite bugging. So to know that they are this committed to kite sports, makes me feel privileged to be part of the team.”