Heeft meer even de tijd gevonden om wat tekst in elkaar te flansen...zou hij zijn engels woordenboek meegenomen hebben???
I told Benn what I saw and he went off like a rocket screaming at me what I was waiting for. All of a sudden we saw the fins again and two big dolphins jumped out of the water. We were quite happy to see that the sharks where not really sharks and we even surfed with the dolphins for a while. After some problems with my footstrap coming off we had a great time riding waves and seeing so much different beaches. Yesterday we did the same thing again only the wind was quite light . luckily we had to go downwind so we had not a big problem with that
Hey DOW vaar je nu met Fone of met Monkey, beetje vaag. Vertel eens wat unbiaseds over die kites. Ben wel benieuwd wat je van die Monkeys vind. Cencuur?
dow vermaakt zich wel
"last but not least they had a chicken wich was so sweet you could just hold her and stuff. Never saw that before. "
een huiskip, geniaal!
hier stukje uit de Sydney Morning
Sebastiaan had een 3 sterren sessie in Zandvoort met maar liefst 20 - 25 knots op zijn North Vegas (2011)