Belle video mais vraiment triste nouvelle d'apprendre que ca sera la derniere video de kite d'une des meilleurs kiteuses et grand espoir en 2012-2013 sur le PKRA.
Asia Litwin avait tout pour rester une grande championne du kite jusqu'à ce qu'une vilaine blessure ne change tout et l'oblige à mettre le kite de coté.
Bonne continuation Asia, tu ridais vraiment bien!
Ridez safe!
„The best of Asia Litwin” is out and it is my last kitesurf video. Enjoy!
It is official now, a life changing decision has been made. I have decided to end my kiteboarding career. After many heated discussions, my family, doctors and I have concluded that it is better for me to resign from ‘freestyle’ kitesurfing. In January, 2013 during a training session in Cape Town, SA I had dislocated my hip. It was a very serious injury. The bone fell out 0,5 cm from the aorta in the left thigh( the femoral artery). It was a close call and I was very lucky. I have had surgeries on it and many hours of physiotherapy, though it is still very painful when I kitesurf; it just annoys me and I do not have fun out of it anymore. While kitesurfing, the kite pushes me all the time in different directions, all these bursting, quick and vast movements are not good and appropriate for my hip. I just do not feel confident enough anymore when I kitesurf. I would like to thank all of you for the support! It was indeed the journey of a lifetime! You may ask what now..?! Well, I have many plans! I will keep traveling that is for sure. I am going to snowboard a lot, surf and perhaps kitesurf as well but just for fun and I will surely continue to run this fan page so if you want to know what is going on in my life, please follow my page, because I can ensure you that loads of cool things are to happen.. :)
Big thanks to my Family, sponsors, friends, fans, all the people, who believed in me, for the support!
Asia Litwin