Gaastra brachte gestern die neue productrange heraus. Zumeist komplett neu entworfen und neue Produkte wie z.B. ein neuer 5-Leiner C-kite mit den Namen PACT. Interessant sind die neuen Bars für Pro's (u.a. extra großes Y) und Schüler. Den Boardentwurf gab es mit niemand geringerem als Mario Rodwald, unser 3facher europäischer Champion!
Hier ein paar interessante Worte von Gaastra's Designer Urs Hungerbühler:
New challenges are around every corner and you have to adapt. Kiteboarding is continuously evolving and new demands arise. To work on all those challenges on different products I had to travel a lot between various beaches and our factory, to make sure things go right. New fabrics, threads, glues, pu-film… So many details, but in the end all those details make the difference!
Our Research & Development is still based in Taiwan, because we can hit the water every day. In addition I had to travel to different spots, where we could find light wind conditions to test in 6-12knots. We found those conditions, for example, in Thailand and Indonesia where I tested a lot with Mario and Roy Rodwald. In Thailand there were perfect conditions for the racing tests, as we were able to test and compare both in secret and in high level competition. In Indonesia we found almost all conditions. Mostly light winds … combined with unreal waves.
Our factory is doing a great job and you can really see this in the kites themselves. We are now in the fifth year of our own production facility. The obvious advantage is that we have full access to the production and can tune all details to our exact needs. This is just so much more efficient – I have set up the quality control by myself and made sure nothing passes through I would not accept on the market.
Hell is below you, always look up!
Urs Hungerbühler
Das Material kann bereits in allen Stores bestaunt und getestet werden! Fehlt nur noch guter Wind...