Sonntag könnte ein toller Tag für das King of the Air 2016 Finale werden.
Morgen, Dienstag ab 11:30 stehen noch 2 Runden am Programm.
From the weather models: Tonight winds back into the Southeast and increase to strong (near gale) levels (25-30Kts) into Sunday afternoon. Larger long period swell should make for a good spectacle!
Stay tuned for a possible 12:30 start with the two remaining heats of Round Two. Round One and half of the elimination Round Two is in the books
Runde 3:
Heat 11: Lasse Walker, Jerrie vd Kop, Antoinin Rangin, Andries Fourie
Heat 12: Tom Hebert, Oswald Smith, Kevin Langeree, Reno Romeu
Heat 13: Nick jacobsen, Lewis Crathern, Aaron Hadlow, winner heat 10
Heat 14: Jesse Richman, Gijs Wassenaar, Alex Pastor, winner heat 9