Leuk compact item op Kitesurfingmag.com over de 2016 Wave kites! Niet een heel handig artikel om alle kites back to back te vergelijken en we missen ook nog wel wat kites zoals de Reo maar toch aardig om te lezen waar het bij Wave kites om draait volgens de schrijvers :
This is an elite group of the industry’s top wave specific designs that all have specific flying and handling characteristics that can enhance your wave riding experience. Built to be both light and durable, with three-strut frames supported by advanced bridle systems, these wave specific designs offer enhanced depower and enhanced handling suited to riding waves.
Their quick depower also combines with the right balance, float and drift, enabling the rider to surf the wave while the kite stays airborne and inert. While highly trimmed or depowered, these wave models are also designed to initiate turns and pivot quickly.
This is vital for quick transitions whether on the wave or if you need the kite to power up and get you out of the impact zone.
Prima verhaal, alleen ontbreken de onder wavers veel gebruikte Ozone Reo en RRD Religion.