Auf seinen Trip können wir schon etwas neidisch werden, Wellenreiten in Namibien, One Eye durchsurfen, einen Abstecher nach Indonesien und ein paar Jaws abreiten und dass im El Nino Jahr wodurch die perfektesten Bedingungen vorherrschten. Beinahe 10 Minuten Wellenreit Action in HD!!
Take a kitesurfing journey to the best spots on the planet. Watch Patri explore the outermost reaches of Africa. After experiencing the incredible waves of Namibia he jets on over to Mauritius and kitesurfs left after left at the infamous One Eye. Next, Patri makes his way to Indonesia for an unbelievable barrel fest. In the end, Patri makes it back to Maui and is blessed with the once in lifetime El Nino winter and Jaws. Reverie has beautiful photography of wind, water and waves. Shot on the land, in the water and from the air, Reverie is a once in generation kitesurfing event. Throw your cell phone away and experience this in full HD and watch the way kitesurfing should be!