Der Erfinder des ersten Kites, Bruno Legaignoux spricht in einem Artikel im Surfertoday Magazine über die ISAF. Kitesurfen sollte seiner Meinung nach nicht zum Segelverband dazugehören weil es ein komplett anderer Sport ist. Dafür will er den Aufbau der "International Federation of Kitesports Organisations" (IFKO) künftig verstärkt unterstützen.
In 1984, French brothers Dominique and Bruno Legaignoux developed the world's first kite. The dual line wing successfully pulled a rider using two water skis under his feet, and kiteboarding became one of the fastest-growing sports on the planet.
Today, and more than 30 years after the invention, Bruno says that the new organization headquartered in Portugal - IFKO - is the only democratic body ruled by national federations. For him, the International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) is a "self-proclaimed" governing body of the sport.
"The problem is that World Sailing and IKA use their power and position to make people believe that they are in charge of all the kite disciplines," Bruno Legaignoux told
"The first warning was when the International Sailing Federation refused to recognize the outright speed record by kitesurfers. The second strong warning came in 2012 with the announcement and cancellation of Formula Kite in the Olympic Games."
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